The founding story

HeyFlow was born as a solution to create truly inclusive workplaces for women by unlocking the barriers women face due to reproductive health.

In 2023 Sophie, Nick, and Sabrina founded HeyFlow to create inclusive workplaces for women by addressing the hidden impact of reproductive health on women’s careers and opportunities.

Gender-diverse companies are 25% more likely to be profitable, yet women often don't progress as quickly as their male peers due to reproductive health barriers.

85% of women face at least four reproductive health conditions.

10% of women leave work due to menopause

19% of women leave work due to fertility treatment

24% of menstruators experience period pains that affect their work.

Mothers see a 60% drop in earnings compared to fathers after their first child.

Reproductive health issues cause a lack of women in senior positions and a persistent gender pay gap. Without understanding the real impact of reproductive health beyond ‘symptoms’, workplace equity can't be achieved.

Gender Pay Gap spikes directly correlate with key female reproductive health moments

To create meaningful change for women at work globally, businesses need to understand how to support women during key reproductive health moments. Improving the employee experience for women at work, resulting in retaining talent, promoting talent, boosting profitability, and creating an equitable future of work

The Team

Sophie Creese

Co-Founder (she/her)

An award-winning leader for workplace gender equity

Sabrina Walls

Co-Founder (she/her)

A seasoned growth marketer in purpose & impact

Kate Thompson

Non-Executive Director (she/her)

A C-suite leader, entrepreneur, board-level management consultant and applied behavioural scientist

Geoff Wells

Board Director and Investor (he/him)

A board-level leader, business and product strategist, focused on ambitious and sustainable growth.

James Hobbs

Interim Head of Technology (he/him)

A digital leader with a track record of building teams and delivering high-value projects.

Our values



