HeyFlow launches a Parental Leave Policy Guide

Balancing work and care responsibilities can add pressure for many employees.

Becoming a more parent-inclusive workplace can help boost productivity and build a sense of workplace belonging.

Flexible work options allow for greater balance. However, there may be times of unexpected periods when a parent may need to dedicate extra time to care for their child or plan for their welfare. Having a clear parental leave policy lets employees know the options available to them when these moments occur.

What’s included in the Parental Leave Policy Guide:  

  • Who a parental leave policy is for

  • Considerations for inclusion in a parental leave policy

  • Parental Leave Policy Structure Template

You can access the guide here 

The Parental Leave Policy Guide is part of the HeyFlow Policy Guide suites – a set of open guides to access information and best practices around female* reproductive health inclusion in the workplace.  

Policies aren’t the end point for inclusion, but they’re a great place to start. If you would like further information or help supporting female* reproductive health at work then get in touch at hello@heyflow.co.uk  

*We actually mean people with internal reproductive health organs, it’s just not as catchy. You can read our full inclusion statement here: https://heyflow.co.uk/inclusion-statement


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